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另補上PTT網友 AncientLich (Lycheus)的劇情翻譯
(這一段沒字幕, 我是邊聽邊翻, 有錯請別見怪 >.<)
[Prophet Velen]:
Mortal Heros. Your victory here today was foretold long ago.
My brother's Anguish cry out of defeat will echo across the universe, bringing
renew hope to all those who still stand against the Burning Crusade.
凡間的英雄們. 你們今日的勝利在很久之前已被預言. 我兄弟(指阿丹)失敗的絕望哀鳴
將會迴盪在宇宙之中, 為抵抗燃燒遠征隊的所有人帶來新的希望.
[Prophet Velen]:
As the Legion's final defeat draws ever-nearer, stand proud in the
knowledge that you have saved worlds without number from the flame.
灼炎軍團的最終失敗不遠矣, 你們的勝利將避免無數的世界遭到毀滅
[Prophet Velen]:
Just as this day marks an ending, so too does it herald a new beginning...
如同今日的結束, 也將預告的全新的開始
[Prophet Velen]:
The creature entropius, whom you were forced to destroy, was once
the noble naaru, M'uru. In life, M'uru channeled vast energies of LIGHT and
HOPE. For a time, a misguided few sought to steal those energies...
之前你們被迫去擊敗的虛空生物, 曾經是一位偉大的那魯 "母乳". 他在世時, 連接著
大量光明的力量和希望. 曾幾何時, 有一小部分被蒙蔽的人想去偷取這能量.
[Lady Liadrin]:
Our arrogance was unpardonable. We damned one of the most noble beings of all.
We may never atone for this sin.
[Liadrin女士]: (在薩塔斯跟阿達講話的女血精)
我們的傲慢不可被原諒. 我們摧毀了一位偉大的存在. 我們永遠都不能還清我們的罪惡.
[Prophet Velen]:
Then fortunate it is, that I have reclaimed the noble naaru's spark from
where it fell! Where faith dwells, hope is never lost, young blood elf.
很幸運的, 在這偉大的那魯倒下之時, 我找回了他的碎片. 只要我們仍然有信念
希望將永遠存在, 年輕的血精靈.
[Lady Liadrin]:
Can it be?
[Prophet Velen]:
Gaze now, mortals - upon the HEART OF M'URU! Unblemished. Bathed by the light
of Creation - just as it was at the Dawn.
注視吧! 凡人 - 無瑕的"母乳"之心! 沐浴在光明的創造物 - 如同那晨曦一般.
[Prophet Velen]:
In time, the light and hope held within - will rebirth more than this mere
found of power... Mayhap, they will rebirth the soul of a nation.
[先知者費倫]: (這裡好難翻...)
光明和希望將重新充滿 - 這不只是代表著一種能力...或許, 將會重生成為種族的靈魂
[Lady Liadrin]:
Blessed ancestors! I feel much much grace...there are...
no words...impossible to describe...
[Liadrin 女士]:
讚美祖先! 我感覺到了...充滿著愛...榮耀...沒有語言...無法形容...
[Prophet Velen]:
Salvation, young one. It waits for us all. Farewell...
拯救總是等著我們, 小子. 掰~~
看了這場戰鬥後...伊利丹完全變成小咖 囧rz
ps. 母乳 = 莫魯
Lycheus dus Ancientlich
戰歌聯盟 70 術士